Height Units


The Height Units variable controls how a unit is vertically sized, which may be relative to its parent. By default an object uses Absolute height, where each unit represents 1 pixel of height in pixels. When using Absolute, an object ignores its parents' With.


The following shows a child ColoredRectangle with 50 Absolute Height:

Relative to Container

The following shows a child ColoredRectangle with -10 RelativeToContainer Height, which means it will always be 10 pixels less tall than its parent.

Percentage of Container

The following shows a child ColoredRectangle with 100 Percentage Height, which means it will have 100% of the height of its parent. Note that 100 Percentage is the same as 0 RelativeToContainer:

If an object uses Percentage Height, but has no parent, it will size itself as a percentage of the entire screen's height.

If an object uses RelativeToContainer Height, but has no parent, it will size itself relative to the entire screen's height.

Ratio of Container

Ratio of Container can be used to fill available space or to share available space with other objects using a ratio.

The simplest case is a single child in a container with its Height Units set to Ratio of Continer.

In this case the blue ColoredRectangle has no siblings (its container has no other children), so it occupies the entire parent height. If a second child is added (by copy/pasting the existing child), then each child is given 1 ratio value, which means each is 1/2 of the size of the entire parent.

To better visualize the effect of ratio, it's common to set the parent's Children Layout to Top to Bottom Stack, and to give each child a different color as shown in the following image.

As more children are added, each child's height is adjusted to make room for the new children.

Ratio values are distributed among all siblings using Ratio of Container proportionally. The image above shows four siblings, each given 1/4 of the ratio. If one of the the ratios changes (such as by increasing the second sibling's Height value to 3), then all siblings adjust in response to this change.

In this case, the total ratio is 6 (1 + 3 + 1 + 1), so the red is given 3/6 (1/2) of the container's height, while each of the others is given 1/6 of the container's height.

Values of 0 are supported, resulting in the object drawing with an absolute height of 0.

Ratio of Container is calculated after accounting for the height of children which are using absolute height. For example, if the height of the first child is 80 with a Height Units of Absolute, then the other three shrink to give the first the necessary room.

This effect can also be seen by adjusting the height using the handles.

Ratio of Container also respects Stack Spacing. A Stack Spacing value greater than 0 removes the available space for all children with a Height Units of Relative to Container.


The following image shows a child ColoredRectangle with 50 RelativeToChildren Height, which means that it will always be 50 pixels taller than is necessary to contain its children. Since the rectangle has no children, this is the same as having 50 Absolute Height:

RelativeToChildren can be used to size an object based on the position and sizes of a container's children. The following image shows a container with 0 RelativeToChildren Height, which mans that its height is set just large enough to contain its children.

A non-zero Height when using RelativeToChildren can be used to add additional padding to a parent container. The following image shows a container with 20 pixels of padding height:

For more information on relative layout in regards to absolute vs. relative unit types, see the Relative Layout Unit Type page.


PercentageOfOtherDimension will adjust the object's effective height so it remains proportional to the Width value multiplied by the Height value (as a percentage). For example, if a Height value of 200 is entered, then the effective height will be 200% (2x) of the width.

The following image shows a child ColoredRectangle with a Height of 200 PercentageOfOtherDimension. In this image, the Width value is 50 units, so the effective height is 100 units:


The Sprite type has an extra Height Unit called PercentageOfSourceFile, which will set the height of the Sprite according to the file that it is displaying. This is the default Height Unit for Sprites.

The following image shows a child Sprite with 200 PercentageOfSourceFile Height, which means it will draw two times as tall as its source image:

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